G.T. Football Recruiting, 2017, (24).

Posted from Swarm on Jerry Howard......

1st post, longtime reader.
Talked with Jerry and asked him some questions to let you guys get to know him:

1-What was your favorite part of Atlanta?

JH- "the atmosphere and the people in it."

2- I have heard that you have some of the best hands in this year’s running back class. Any though on following Calvin Johnson’s footsteps and playing WR at tech? If not, where do the coaches see you fitting, A or B back? Or a hybrid of both?

JH- "Yes my hands are great and i'm a hybrid if that's what you want to call it"

3- What player or person would you love to sit down and talk with and pick their brain? And who would you compare your game to?

JH-"Adrian Peterson and Leveon Bell because they both run hard and can catch"

4- Favorite musician and favorite food?

JH- " I don't have a favorite i listen to everyone. Wings."

5- All-time favorite celebrity crush?

JH- "Taraji P Henson"

6- What’s the good word?

side note he clocked in at 4.54 in the 40.

ATLiensSports, Yesterday at 11:24 PM
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Swarm Interview with Josh Johnson:

1-Do you currently hold an offer from Georgia Tech? If not, what are the coaches telling you about receiving one? Which coach is your lead recruiter?

JJ- "Coach roof is my leading recruiter. I have met all the coaches however. Coming from coach roof is that tech really likes me and they want me"

2- Is the height and weight online correct? 6-5 240?

JJ- "I am 6 5 245 right now."

3- What are you going to be looking for on your upcoming visit at tech?

JJ-"On my visit to tech I'm looking for a good school life and a good athletic life and I'm looking to see if u can stay there four to five years."

5- Do you have a top list of schools yet?

JJ- "I don't have a list of top schools I sort of have a idea of a couple schools that might make that list."

6-Dead or alive, who is someone you would like to meet?

JJ- "I would like to meet Jimmy Valvano."

8- Who would you compare your game to or someone you modeled your game after?

JJ-"I would like to compare my game to JJ Watt in the fact that I'm versatile. Can play both run and pass as well as other positions on field."

9- Go to post game/pre game meal?

JJ- "Goto pre game meal is pasta and chicken"

.....set for official visits to Ky. and G.T.(TaxSlayer recruit?).
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Awaiting one on his visit. They like to hold a few back. Definitely on the "B" list with some of these popping up. As you know, very little difference between #199 and #1999 in the nation or that is what the coaches want you to believe.
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Also, Gentry Bonds moved in yesterday for this semester and for spring ball.

We have previous posts concerning Haynes and Sanders(if memory serves). Only wanted to bring them up again to show we are involved still.
After watching a ton of film on Charlie, he looks like the 2nd coming of Parker Braun. And he will almost certainly get the benefit of a redshirt year. I like where this program is headed on the offensive line!
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Why have the "experts" criticized his pad level? Look how he hovers over his own line/classification. It's a common problem in H.S.

Also, he doesn't fire off the ball? Not the highlights, I've been watching!
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