FOOTBALL RECRUITING Good News for Whiskeychef and bad news for one of our commitments

Paint Tennessee (and especially Chattanooga) Blue! McCallie comes back from a 21-0 deficit to beat Jimmy Bryson and Baylor 27-21 for the Tennessee State Championship (largest Private class) - thats 5 of the last 6 Championships for McCallie (Baylor won the other one) and they avenge the regular season loss to the cross town rivals- lots of talent on the field tonight, and although I was cheering for the Blue, we are getting a good one in Jimmy Bryson!

FOOTBALL RECRUITING Coach Speak with Marshall's head coach Casey Soliday...

Hear what Soliday had to say about his stud running back making the signing day switch to Georgia Tech and what kind of player he is...

FOOTBALL Penalty stats for 2024

So, I saw somewhere on a post where some gagger fan was claiming that UGAg had an average rank of 118 over the last 3 seasons in penalties against their opponent. Searching for this stat, I found several things, one of which that stat is bullshit, they were not even close. They had one season like that but were much higher the other 2. Anyway, it made me curious about GTs penalty stats this year, because we've seemed to be fairly disciplined but it also seems like we have seen many no-calls go against us and benefit our opponents this year also. Well, I was right, stats back it up.

For 2024 regular season GT is:

#18 in penalties per game (4.9)
#7 in penalty yards per game (37.8)

Being ranked that highly, you would think our opponents penalties/yards per game would be worse than that... nope...

#130 in opponents penalties per game (3.9)
#127 in opponents penalty yards per game (35.9)

So we are a top 20 team when it comes to penalties/discipline, yet our opponents penalty stats are better than ours, when none of our individual opponents are ranked higher than we are in either category. That math don't math.

FOOTBALL RECRUITING Signing Day recap story with thoughts from Coach Key...

A lot of insight into what Key values in building a roster, including emphasis on high school recruiting over the portal, recruiting in the state of Georgia, trying to recruit balance across different sides of the ball and positions and more.

I'm working on Tae Harris story now. Should have it up in the next couple hours.

  • Poll
OT: Bitcoin hits 100k

Do you hold Bitcoin?

  • Not gonna touch it

    Votes: 31 44.9%
  • In an ETF like IBIT or FBTC

    Votes: 7 10.1%
  • On an exchange like Coinbase

    Votes: 24 34.8%
  • In cold storage/hardware wallet with my own keys

    Votes: 11 15.9%

Bitcoin finally hit $100k today, and it’s currently moving even higher ($103k at time of writing)

Congrats to all of the long-time holders!

What is our ceiling in recruiting?

We’re obviously thrilled with this class as it’s our best in a couple decades. For those that follow recruiting closely, what is our ceiling for our program in terms of a recruiting class? Have we reached it? Or is it fair to think that in the current environment we could someday sign top-10 or better classes? If so, what would it take to get us there?
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Reactions: BuzzThePlumber


So this is an interesting situation. What I’ve been told and said on here a while ago is he had a tricky situation with enrolling at GT or UGA for that matter with the admissions requirements.

Had two sources tell me that he got denied trying to file his paperwork with Georgia Tech and is expected to sign with South Carolina because their system could take him. Was it is an Immigration status issue not academics.

Signing Day Summary

We have signed a very good class. This year is as good a class as I have seen in my 45 years of cheering for GT.

We added a player and lost a player. We needed a big running back so that is good news. I hope the final lineman signs to complete a nice class.

Now we can look to the portal to pick up some great players that want to come back home to Atlanta and to Georgia. Go get ‘em coaches.

Might be time for a few days off after this week

I’ll tell you a funny story. I had a dream last night that I was in a conference room with a recruit GT were trying to hold on to and it was GT or UF and he was about to pick UF and I went live on my phone and a filter was on that made everyone look like characters from “The Office” and I could not turn it off.

I need a vacation

FOOTBALL RECRUITING Full signing day feature on Tae Harris...

I can't stress how excited I am for Tae's career with Georgia Tech and for you guys to get to know him better. As good of a young man as there is and he has that switch he flips when he puts the pads on that many do not have. He's an absolute Dog (Not Dawg) on the field and has the athletic abilities and brain to match that too. Special player.

