So, I saw somewhere on a post where some gagger fan was claiming that UGAg had an average rank of 118 over the last 3 seasons in penalties against their opponent. Searching for this stat, I found several things, one of which that stat is bullshit, they were not even close. They had one season like that but were much higher the other 2. Anyway, it made me curious about GTs penalty stats this year, because we've seemed to be fairly disciplined but it also seems like we have seen many no-calls go against us and benefit our opponents this year also. Well, I was right, stats back it up.
For 2024 regular season GT is:
#18 in penalties per game (4.9)
#7 in penalty yards per game (37.8)
Being ranked that highly, you would think our opponents penalties/yards per game would be worse than that... nope...
#130 in opponents penalties per game (3.9)
#127 in opponents penalty yards per game (35.9)
So we are a top 20 team when it comes to penalties/discipline, yet our opponents penalty stats are better than ours, when none of our individual opponents are ranked higher than we are in either category. That math don't math.