Are you surprised the AJC is going after UGA? Tell me what you know lol
KQ- I actually don't know anything about it nor do I particularly care. I know the guy writing the stories is the same asshole who gave that piece of shit Ron Bell a platform despite him being a criminal and a liar. He spent a lot of time dragging Josh Pastner so I have no love for that dude either. The guy writing it strikes me as some wannabe NYT expose writer without the chops. So having him do it makes me feel like there is less to it and not more. I think very little of the guy.
When you first mentioned CBK redoing his office I asked if when finished could you do a story about it. So now that it is finished I am reminding you. Even some of the recruits have mentioned it.
I think he said the focus was on being the “closing” place. Would be neat to understand what that entails. Maybe even a video of the office, the technology involved and how he intends to use it.
Thanks for all you do. Much appreciated.
KQ- When Coach Key is back in two in a few weeks I'll see what I can do. He is on vacation right now as is most of the staff so I don't want to bother people until the middle of the month.
Follow up to that. If it this all turns up as bad as it smells, what do you think the NCAA-holes will realistically do to UGA? Or what measures does the school take? Does UGA fire the tough POS from Bainbridge?
People are getting killed here due to gross negligence and now multiple allegations of abuse targeting players in the program. Doesn't sound like a very controlled program, IYKWIM.
KQ- I'm not a fan of Kirby Smart or the way he treats people in my business so I'll say that up top. I think there is almost no chance short of him personally committing a crime or covering up something directly that will end with him getting fired. He would have to have very dirty hands for that to become an outcome of any of this and he is way too sharp to ever do anything directly.
What is the general consensus among Brent and the staff about how recruiting is going?
KQ- They are pleased but not satisfied. That is the way I would put it. There are some guys they'd like to have right now they didn't land, but they've made good progress. Here is the thing with Brent, he is like Saban or GOL or PJ, he is it about the marathon toward winning championships and not about celebrating a lot of small victories. Brent is not satisfied and won't be until they have some hardware and even if that happens I could see him only enjoying that momentarily.
If you talk to someone like CPJ he will talk about the ones that got away like 1998 at Georgia Southern or the two ACC Championship losses or the 2009 or 2010 UGA games more than he talks about other great moments. That is what eats and them and drives them.
How excited are they to get fall practice going and get this season started?
KQ- I think everyone is ready to go. I know the players are. I think they want to see how they matchup.
Batt surprised us all by making Georgia’s Own a partner after years of embarrassment with their signs in view. Anything you know of he’s working on?
KQ- Was it years of that sign? I thought that was like last year only. Anyway, he is pretty focused on multiple projects including improving the gameday experiences for football and gearing up for the Edge project as well as doing his normal AD stuff like fundraising and staff evaluations.
Have you ever seen the GTAA in this good / positive of shape and did you think this was possible?
Never, in my life, did I envision the school President intervening like this. What have you heard from boosters as well? The admin? Did they realize this is fork in the road time and we have to do something or go ahead and reserve our lot at the kids' table for the future?
KQ- I think Cabrera always had some interest in it, but I think the gravity of what was happening was made very clear by key people around him and now he has some skin in the game and has put his neck out the slightest bit so that is encouraging. I think Batt is a sharp guy and has some very solid people he has brought in around him as well who are very driven. I feel like there is proactivity for the first time in a while across the GTAA as opposed to having little pockets of things in the past and a lot of pivoting to deal with new challenges like NIL for example or COVID. It has also been a really tough few years because of COVID, GC3 and some rudderless leadership with a ton of ideas but not as much execution. Batt is a details guys, that is what was needed so hopefully it works out well.
Do you & Russell ever just stop and "tailgate' with the fans? If so, there's always an open invitation.
KQ- I will sometimes stop by after the game and have a beer and watch the later games. There have been a few people kind enough to offer that up from time to time. Usually I'm pretty busy on gameday though. RJ sometimes is at the games but often is at home working on recruiting stuff. Blake my photographer is usually with me.
To follow up on the previous question regarding the GTAA, it seems the administration for once in my 50+ years of affiliation with GT is serious about supporting and promoting GT Athletics. Aside from President Cabrera and J Batt, what do you think has initiated this transition in investment and attitude towards making athletics a priority? I still have to think there are those board members who still are not bought in, but it sure seems like for once we are serious in getting this turned around.
KQ- There were key people who made a point of pushing and pushing and getting in Cabrera's ear. I think also some events like the UGA takeover of the stadium and the embarrassment of that was a motivating moment. Cabrera has always been interested in GT athletics from day one though. HIs job is very difficult and hard to navigate and the politics of it are usually what kept previous presidents from getting too deep in the athletic waters from what I've gathered even though they may or may not have cared.
which of the freshmen look the most ready to play this season and which of them are going to stay on the bench for now?
KQ- I have not seen all of them up close so I think it is unfair to answer that question. How they look and how they play are not necessarily overlapping concepts. The only true freshmen I'd put money on playing right now are Evan Dickens, Eric Singleton and maybe Bailey Stockton the walk-on receiver. Those are not the more impressive looking guys by any stretch.
Have you heard how ticket sales have gone and what the plan is to keep the red out the stadium this year?
KQ- Last time I checked a month or two ago, they were up (obviously that was easy to expect with GC3 gone). I don't know what the plan is for the UGA game.
Follow up to those: A few weeks ago there was a question about whether Smart would be asked tough questions by the national media at the SEC media days. I think you said that he might face some tough questions in Nashville. Do you now think the odds of tough questions has gone up from "might" to "probably"?
KQ- I was at the SEC Basketball Tournament and watched the grandstanding of national media against Alabama men's basketball, their coach and players by the national media, so yeah there will be people giving shit to Kirby Smart in big scoops at the SEC Media Days. I'll be curious to see how he reacts.
Once the dead period starts, who does a Recruit get in touch with if he wants to commit?
KQ- The dead period only involves being on campus or in-person contact with a coach. You can talk on the phone or DM or whatever anytime.
Just tossing out an idea for offseason content. You ever thought about getting a few former players and doing a big game re-watch on YT? Would be cool to hear their stories, insight, etc. Could pretty much pick any big win over UGA, CU, FSU, UM, VT in the last 25 yrs
KQ- Yes I have and that is something I would like to do.