Signing Period(s)for Spring, 2016& Potpouri

This continues to amuse me. D1A CFB is so F'd up. Today's reminder...

..the Big Ten (which has 14 members) adds Fresno State as a non-P5 football program to its growing list of non-P5 football programs which are allowed to count as playing a P5 non-conference football program as per their mandate to play at least 1 P5 non-conference program annually.

This is so silly. But, it fits the continuing saga of how stupid D1A CFB remains and is. Watching D1A CFB over the years do everything it can to avoid having to play tough opponents, assure cupcakes are served each season, bend the so-called rules, resist expanding playoffs, continuing to foster dumb MEG's, and so forth keeps you wondering just how more soccer-momish D1A CFB can really be. popcorn

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