Random Offseason Topic: D1A College Football and Basketball should be taxed


Well-Known Member
Mar 23, 2014
Payments. Salaries. Cost of Attendance. Billions of dollars. Limited oversight. Player unions.

Get real. One of the biggest disgraces in American society is this charade that continues.

Big money. Big facilities. Big payments.

Not for profit? Ha! How ridiculous.

Big time college athletics does bring in a lot of revenue for localities. Well. That is, if you are a business owner involved with tourism or apparel or other correlated industries.

Localities, states, and even federal resources spend tons of our money supporting collegiate athletic events. Most of it for free for the "colleges".

This won't be a popular random topic I admit because most people who post on message boards like this don't want to consider poking at such a concept. I understand. But, it is the offseason so what the heck? Start taxing these suckers and let's see where things go. Or, stay naive and stupid. Same for churches, but I'll leave that one for a different thread at a different time for a different message board. ;)