You can't fake history. Despite the ineptitude of BC's offense last year, their defense was ranked #1 in the country. Think about that - there offense was pathetic so the defense was on the field more than should be expected, more than most other defenses, and still posted high quality results. They lost 3 from that defense so they're still pretty damn good. Then give our guys credit for battling that group 4 quarters @ a level good enough to give us a chance to win the game late 4th quarter. We will improve but to come out of the chute in Dublin against a quality defense, no warm-up game... & come home with a win... Don't kiss positive expectations goodby over this game. I don't understand how some posters anticipate improvement for 10 months & flush it in 1 game!! We've got too many positives to build from & I'm feeling good about what lies ahead. And for the disappointed BC fans, I can assure you they're not going winless in the conference this year & I'll predict they'll upset @ least 1 team that nobody expects.