Looks like Clemson


Well-Known Member
Sep 15, 2015
I know some will say they won because of the call on the onside kickoff. I see it that UNC gave up 45 points and over 600 yards of offense to Clemson. Suck it UNC.
13 up, 13 down. That's difficult to do. Kudos to Dabo and their team. They fully have earned their spot in the playoffs. Glad UNC lost. Their streak of not winning the ACC moves to 36 years now. It would have been a travesty to have the most corrupt program in the history of collegiate athletics be given an ACC title trophy in FB.
I too am glad Clemson won it. Atlantic continues its ACC dominance at the top.

I don't know what will happen at UNC. But they take pride in being the people's university and educating many with few advantages. So I can understand why some wackos would think sham majors would fit within that model.

The NCAA is not going to respond. Their accreditation was placed in probation because of a lack of athletic oversight, so you'd think the NCAA would have an easy decision to make. But it just will not do it. I feel the ACC commissioner is pulling in all his favors on this one.
Agree on your analysis of UNC. The bar has been significantly lowered thanks to their behaviors. Everyone should continually remind them of their corruption since they don't take any responsibility for it, continue to deflect and deny and lie, etc. At the same time, the flood gates should now be completely wide open thanks to the NCAA's lack of balls to do the right thing by bringing down one helluva hammer on this pathetic systemic plan of cheating for over 2 decades. Everybody should bend the rules and cheat openly now. If anybody says a word, just point to UNC. Precedence is now set by the NCAA. That is, leave the big athletic programs alone and of course continue to focus on the women's lacrosse programs at schools like Albuquerque City Women's College.
All that would do is hurt GTs chances, you know Peterson will never set-up easy majors, so giving out grades for no-work classes is not going to happen.
All that would do is hurt GTs chances, you know Peterson will never set-up easy majors, so giving out grades for no-work classes is not going to happen.

Thank Buddha for that. And, it was TIC commentary of course.