I’ll avoid a Deion question.. yes you all can relax now…
How tight is Thackers leash? When would a change be made and could it be made at all during the season?
KQ- Some of you have really no clue how all this goes. Thacker was named by a few people this week as one of the national coordinators of the week. Folks need to look at the why instead of trying to just blame a coordinator every time the D or the O isn't playing as well as expected. Go back and look at the Couch Coach from last week and you will see it was really bad calls by Thacker but a lack of execution in the Ole Miss game that got them. The scheme isn't the problem.
In the last mailbag you said pushing games costs money and that’s why cash-strapped GT allowed the Ole Miss series to be played finally.
1) Any idea how much Ole Miss paid GT to repeatedly push the series multiple times when they didn’t want to play against Paul?
2) Could GT in theory at any point have said “No, we refuse to postpone” and have forced Ole Miss to either play the games as scheduled or buy their way out of the series entirely?
I’m just curious how those contracts work.
KQ- I really can't remember what they got paid to bump the game if I ever knew. Usually, there is a clause in the contract for that and you have to pay X to move the game by a certain date and more the closer to the date of the game being played. It was free money and they were games they wanted to play at the time. Ole Miss wasn't exactly great and the Alabama deal I think pre-dates Saban and is an old rival so they wanted that series. That was all done before the Notre Dame series.
I’m so ready for the Paul Johnson thoughts on the program since his retirement!!! Hope you will post it here and please don’t withhold anything back from you or him? Hope you will post it on Oct 29 after the unc game weekend?
KQ- Ha, I'm sure he would love to share his thoughts as well.
What are your thoughts on the new ACC Football schedules? I'm guessing they go with the 8-8 scenario so everyone gets to play home & away in all stadiums in 4 years.
KQ- I haven't thought about it at all. Just too busy in the season to think about stuff like that. I would like a trip to all three new schools before anything happens to the ACC good or bad.
Do scheduled opponents (not just GT, any school) invest in Rivals' message boards to glean any practice or injury intel?
KQ- Yes, everyone does opponent research. I also hold stuff back until about 90 minutes before kickoff for that reason most of the time. I'm not going to burn my sources and help give someone a tactical advantage over the school I cover at the same time.
Would it be okay if I created a injury thread? granted I would names to be effective. Also time tables would be nice.
KQ- You can create whatever you want, but I'm not going to update it for you and I think you are acting against the better interests of the program you love by doing so.
Are our coaches struggling to make halftime adjustments or are the opposing teams making better adjustments?
KQ- There have been a few adjustments here and there, but I think for whatever reason GT has not looked sharp out of the half. I thought Buster came out too aggressive on offense against Wake in the third quarter, but you are always going to get a team's best shot if they get the ball to start the third quarter and they can script something against your D.
What is your take on the playcalling since 2Q vs Louisville?
KQ- You all need to stop asking questions during the ****ing game.
At what point does Key say something about officiating this season being atrocious so far?
KQ- I'm pretty sure he was chewing some ass on the sideline on Saturday. There is nothing much he can do other than file complaints to the league office though.
I just read your pre game comments on Brooks…What has happened to him??? He was an absolute ball hawk last year. I really enjoyed watching him play and was looking for bigger and better things for him. Never saw this..,
KQ- He is not 100%, perhaps you've missed the five times he had to be helped off the field with a shoulder deal. He is now the dime back on the defense and playing limited to reps to protect his body and let him hopefully heal up some.
What’s the temperature from CBK on the ridiculous penalty disparity against Wake?
Do we unload on the ACC Refs after the game just sending the cuts up? Like the PI call from the other side of the field? The lack of holds called on their O line.
KQ- I'm sure he was pissed off, but there were also some stupid penalties as well. They did not play super clean, but about five of the flags were bad calls or should've been non-calls.