This is more reason why D1A CFB needs to get its head out of the sand and move to an 8-team playoff with auto qualifiers to P5 conference champs. For years these morons banged the ridiculous false drum of how meaningful the regular season is. What a pile of crap!
Countless cupcake games and only truly about 4 or maybe 5 legit tests to the factories each season. And, once a team gets an early loss they could be "out of it". This deems the rest of their season about as meaningless as those dumb, tired exhibition games played in late December.
Instead, auto qualifiers to conference champs keeps everyone in the season longer with something to play for. It might even foster more competitive out of conference matchups because teams won't be as nervous (read: afraid) about a loss or two killing their chances at the national playoffs/title.
You'll still have 3 at large berths to reward and provide a chance to those solid teams with great resumes who came up short in their conference. What's so damn difficult about this...other than a bunch of morons wanting to forever hang on to the same old, tired ways of doing things (like keeping meaningless exhibition games tied to all this).