Beesball: Host Georgia State, Mar. 1, Tue., 4pm (WREK)

11-6 win.
Broke a 24 inning Panther Pitchers' scoreless streak in the first frame. Overcame a 3-0 deficit to a decent State Team.
Cole pitched pretty good. Got off to a bad start and wishes he could take one pitch back. Parr did well in the middle again. Pitching depth may help us in these midweek games this year like never before.

Love seeing the bats ringing. Stallings' dinger to RCF would have been a long out caught at the warning track 2 years ago with the old dud bats. Glad they changed that mistake they made years ago when they overreacted.

8-0 sounds good. Let's go get 3 more against Admiral Johnson's alma mater this weekend.