The citizens of Gay Paris still dislike them some John Dewberry


Well-Known Member
Mar 23, 2014
Yeah, THAT John Dewberry. Owner of the eye-sore unfinished Landmark Hotel in Charlottesville now has city council candidates basing part of their election strategy on forcing JD's hand.

Fun stuff in God's Country.

(this has been going on for several years...Dewberry has been quoted multiple times in the past)

It's stories like these that remind you just how much smaller Charlottesville is than Atlanta.
He still has property in Midtown Atlanta that is posing as raw land. Buying low and waiting is the staple. Hopefully, that graffiti referred to has Tech all over it!

A GT friend who owned a Gas Station across from the Varsity on Spring St. in the day( we always parked for free), bought a 20k parcel on Roswell Rd.-it was rezoned Commercial and he sold it for over 2million before he passed away.
They may not like him much, but I was in the cesspool that fine Fall day when he led us to victory in 1984. That was my freshman year at Tech, and that game did more than any single event thereafter to brand me a lifelong diehard fan. I knew almost nothing about GT athletics prior to becoming a student - so that victory was a christening moment for this Tech fan.
One of my top 5 Tech wins ever. Field Dorm roommate of mine and our dates drove over that morning not expecting much. What a day. Only gold left in the Toilet Bowl at end 3rd Q. Stayed up till 5 in the morning in the hallway drinking beer with Malcolm King, Alonzo Watson (roommates who lived across the hall) and a few others who came back from Thanksgiving for the game. Ahhhh the memories.