Ok question again


Well-Known Member
Sep 15, 2015
As i sit at my desk at work trying not to fall asleep, I'm trying to figure out what is wrong with this team.I know the few of us on here will be honest and say what they think. And we may all agree or disagree but I would like to know.

I know in the past we have had a few players who ( shall we say were not team players) Maybe thought GT was the right place but found out it wasn't due to school or the type of offense of defense we play and it wasn't their cup of tea. I call them cancer players that in the locker room start saying little things that don't need to to said. Which like cancer can grow and spread. Maybe its just a fact that they were all great in High school and now are not starting after a few year are growing disgruntled . I'm sure this is hard on those players. And we could see signs after the season if this is true. That is the reason I feel if a player is not happy it's best to let him go.
Could this be the case this year ?

I also know we all the blocking and at times the tackling have not been the best. But I'm I right to think at this level a player coming out of high school most 3 or 4 year starters should know how to block and tackle ? or do we need to spend time at the beginning of the year showing them? I would think at this level you are only needing to show them techniques and schemes in which to play in our defense or offense. I have to believe our players are as smart as any other school. Example : on offense you have a player that is very good at staying on his feet getting a good push and moving his man back , but may not be able to cut block. If on a given play his is supposed to use a cut block on a linebacker but is better using a power block do we give him that freedom as long as he makes his block ?

Or is it just a fact that once we started losing we lost our confidence ? If that was the case I would have thought the FSU game would have helped.

What do you think is the problem ?
I think you hit on some important points. Can't disagree with you on any of it.

Would like to add that the Senior leaders did not step up or maybe in some cases it simply was not in their nature. You probably get tired of me bringing up the 2012, 2013 recruiting cycles. That is on the coaches, particularly the one in charge. To have 39 Fr. or Fr.-R. is difficult, especially with injuries disrupting the continuity. Counting the Sophmores, we have 2/3 of our scholarship roster tied up in underclassmen. GT attrition which evolves naturally has been hit by some recruiting mistakes. Not blaming Ted or CMP or the new office started two years ago with Brad and Little Joe.
Problem #1...offensively, we are relying heavily on guys who 6 months ago were going to their high school prom.

This of course is what particularly confounds me about the defense because that is not the case on that side of the ball.

I'll try to think of some more, but plan to drink more than I should, eat some $6 special Deep! Deep! Little Caesars pizza, listen to Beesball Richard call the Lady J's game, watch the US Men's Soccer team in their first World Cup qualification match, and then watch the BasketJackets online.
Problem #1...offensively, we are relying heavily on guys who 6 months ago were going to their high school prom.

This of course is what particularly confounds me about the defense because that is not the case on that side of the ball.

I'll try to think of some more, but plan to drink more than I should, eat some $6 special Deep! Deep! Little Caesars pizza, listen to Beesball Richard call the Lady J's game, watch the US Men's Soccer team in their first World Cup qualification match, and then watch the BasketJackets online.
We have a limit on how much we should drink? You have no limit GTJT drink up :)
Limit is such a strong word. Don't think in terms of a specification. Think more in terms of a guideline. Maybe a rule of thumb. Perhaps an idea or concept. More like a frame of mind. Or, as a cigar smoking golfing buddy of ours likes to say... is what it is.